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  • Getting acquainted with Python
  • Importing the code. Turtle graphics
  • Getting acquainted with data types. Strings
  • Lists
  • Tuples and sets. The "Investor" task
  • Dictionaries. Creating a "User's Journal"
  • Getting acquainted with PyCharm and Debugger
  • Writing the first function
  • Namespace and function scopes
  • A function with an arbitrary number of parameters
  • String formatting
  • Files in the operation system and working with them
  • Creating a jockey virus in Python
  • Hacking the archive using the bruteforce method
  • Google's Dinosaur Game Bot
  • Voice assistant in Python
  • Artificial intelligence for the game "Connect four"
  • Private neural network from scratch in Python
You will be able

Upon graduation of the course you will be able to

  • Create a telegram bot
  • Enter and output data
  • Have an idea of all the main types of data and how to work with them
  • Work with files and write our own functions
  • Have an idea of what object-oriented programming is
  • Work with cycles
  • Create our own voice assistant and neural network (almost like Chat GPT...)
  • Work with libraries
Forms of study

Forms of study

Python Programming

from 540 pesos/academic hour

The Python for Kids course is an exciting journey into the world of programming for young students. In this course, children will learn Python, one of the most popular and easy-to-learn programming languages. Through interactive lessons and exciting projects, children will learn how to create their own games, animations and applications. They will master the basics of programming, such as conditions, loops, and functions, and learn how to apply them to solve problems. The Python for Children course will help develop students' logical thinking, problem thinking and creative skills, opening doors to the exciting world of technology.


9 months

12-16 years old

2 time a week for 2 academic hours

11th Drive, corner 9th Ave, unit 1214, Taguig, NCR


IT Nova students receive international diplomas

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Groups start as early as July. Take your place in the group.

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