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Programming school for kids

NOVA Academy students are ahead of their peers in development

Students are passionate about developing their own projects, and they learn how to work as part of a team of like-minded people. Collaboration improves teamwork skills, planning, and goal achievement. The fundamental knowledge gained in programming courses will be useful for your child, no matter what he or she becomes, what he or she will do in the future.

The effectiveness of education at the Academy
The training program is aimed at useful use of IT-technology gadgets, at creating applications, at developing logical thinking.

Advantages of training at NOVA Academy:

  • Relevance - only up-to-date knowledge that develops children's leadership qualities in IT-technology;
  • Professionalism - a team of like-minded teachers, motivating children to achieve results; 
  • Comfortable environment - partner relations between teachers and students, comfortable workplaces, equipped with modern technology.


When do I start teaching kids to program?

Modern kids start to use tablets and talk almost at the same time. If your child likes to surf the Internet, does not part with his phone, do not scold him, and support: direct it in the right direction hobby - let him learn programming with benefit.

The earlier children start to program seriously, the better. In adulthood such a young man or girl will feel confident, they will succeed.


What will your children learn?

  • Kodu - making algorithms and writing code, learning as a game, a specially designed interactive environment in which children gradually learn to create more complex programs. Kids are fascinated by this activity, because from users, they become game creators.
  • Scratch - a full-fledged developer's tool, a programming language with great possibilities - drawing, music, kids create videos, edit audio files, and most importantly - the programming environment is designed for children. Schoolchildren are happy to execute commands in Scratch, because they are very attractive and understandable.
  • Minecraft is a way of self-expression, programming in Minecraft makes the game fun, their worlds are created, they come to life. Children are immersed in a game that develops imagination, realizes ideas.
  • Python - suitable for beginners, a simple language, quickly learned, it is written not complicated, but effective programs. It's easy to read, you can see the result at once and it allows you to make animation.  
  • Programming programs are designed for children of different ages - from 7 to 14 years. Children understand that the computer is not a toy, but a tool, with the help of which you can achieve a lot, become a good IT-specialist, find a job in a prestigious company. But to do this, you have to work hard to gain practical experience in addition to knowledge, and then you can apply for a high salary.

Peculiarities of learning in NOVA Academy

In the Junior Computer Academy, the learning process is built on the maximum use of the practical knowledge gained. In a game format, children learn to create projects and earn "academic" currency. Parents control the learning process of their children with the help of an electronic system, in which you can see the curriculum.  

Throughout the study period, each child identifies his or her favorite areas in IT, so that he or she can continue to work in the direction of his or her heart's desire, which is the best thing he or she can do.

Practitioner Teachers

Mentors work in leading IT companies, they have their own projects. At the lessons they share interesting experience with their students, try to put useful knowledge into them and achieve 100% assimilation of the material. Teachers are well aware of child psychology and know how to motivate children for success.

How the educational process works
A student taking the course becomes an independent person who is able to make decisions, take responsibility, stand up for his/her own point of view, work in a team, and compromise. 

As a result of the training the graduate is excellent in:

Programming, website development, photography and video, modeling; game design, web project creation; robot control; animation and much more.

Dear parents! Junior Computer Academy invites your boys and girls to the training for the cognition of the fascinating computer world!

start learning
Groups start as early as July. Take your place in the group.

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